The combined competitive examination comprises two successive stages :-
(1) State Services Preliminary Examination (Objective types) for selection of candidates for Main Examination, and
(2) State Services Main Examination (written and interview) for selection of candidates for the various categories of services and posts.
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| 2. |
The preliminary examination will consist of two papers of objective type (multiple choice questions) and carry a maximum of 450 marks as per scheme below :-
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Paper I (Compulsory)
| General Studies | 2 hrs. | 150 Marks |
Paper II
| One subject to be selected from the optional papers set- out in para 3. | 2 hrs | 300 Marks |
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This Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only and the marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the Candidates, who are declared qualified for admission to the Main Examination, will not be counted for determining their final order of merit.
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| 3. | List of optional subjects for preliminary examination :- Download Syllabus |
| | | |
Code No. |
| | Code No. |
01 | Agriculture | | 13 | Economics |
02 | Animal Husbandary and Veterinary Science | | 14 | Indian History |
03 | Zoology | | 15 | Geography |
04 | Botany | | 16 | Geology |
05 | Chemistry | | 17 | Political Science |
06 | Physics | | 18 | Public Administration |
07 | Mathematics | | 19 | Sociology |
08 | Statistics | | 20 | Criminology and Forensic Science |
09 | Civil Engineering | | 21 | Psychology |
10 | Electrical Engineering | | 22 | Philosophy |
11 | Mechanical Engineering | | 23 | Law |
12 | Commerce | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |
| 4. | (1) |
Both the question papers will be of objective type (multiple choice question) each question will have four probable answers grouped under A, B, C and D of which only one will be the correct answer. The candidate is required to record in the answer book, only A, B, C or D as may be adjudged by him to be the correct answer.
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| | (2) |
Paper I (compulsory subject- General Studies) will consist of 150 questions each carrying 1 mark and will be of 2 hrs. duration. Paper II will consist of 120 questions, each carrying 2.5 marks, and will be of 2 hrs. duration.
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| | (3) |
The course content of the syllabi for optional subjects will be that of the degree level. The details of the syllabi for General Studies and optional subjects of Preliminary examination as specified in Appendix-II .
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| | (4) | Each question paper except that of Engineering subjects will be in Hindi and English. Question paper in Engineering subjects will be only in English. |
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| 5. |
The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Examination will be about Fifteen times the total number of vacancies to be filled in various categories of services and posts as indicated in the advertisement. Only those candidates who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the preliminary examination under a particular advertisement will be eligible for admission to the Main Examination. To be eligible for main examination, candidates must secure a minimum of 40% marks in each subject of preliminary examination. For Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Class. Candidates these minimum qualifying marks will be 30 %.
6. |
Main Examination will consist of a written examination and an interview test.
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| Written Examination - The Written examination will consist of seven papers of conventional essay type questions as given below: - |
| | | |
(a) Compulsory Papers
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Paper I | General Studies | 3 hrs. | 300 Marks |
Paper II | General Studies | 3 hrs. | 300 Marks |
Paper III | General Hindi | 3 hrs. | 300 Marks |
| | | |
(b) Optional Papers
| | | |
Paper IV |
Any two subjects are to be selected (from the list of optional subjects set out inPara 7) each subject will have two papers.
| 3 hrs. | 300 Marks for each paper |
Paper V |
Paper VI |
Paper VII |
| | | |
| Interview Test - The interview test will carry 250 marks. |
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| | Note- | |
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Candidates are required to obtain at least 33% marks in each subject. In the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Class, these minimum qualifying marks would be 23%.
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7. | List of Optional Papers for Main Examination: Download Syllabus  |
| | | |
Code No. |
| | Code No. |
01 | Agriculture | | 16 | Geology |
02 | Animal Husbandary and Veterinary Science | | 17 | Political Science and International Relations |
03 | Zoology | | 18 | Public Administration |
04 | Botany | | 19 | Sociology |
05 | Chemistry | | 20 | Criminology and Forensic Science |
06 | Physics | | 21 | Psychology |
07 | Mathematics | | 22 | Philosophy |
08 | Statistics | | 23 | Law |
09 | Civil Engineering | | 24 | Hindi literature |
10 | Electrical Engineering | | 25 | English literature |
11 | Mechanical Engineering | | 26 | Sanskrit literature |
12 | Commerce & Accountancy | | 27 | Urdu literature |
13 | Economics | | 28 | Anthropology |
14 | History | | 29 | Military Science |
15 | Geography | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |
8. | Candidates will not be allowed to offer the following combination of subjects :- |
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Political Science and International Relations and Public Administration.
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| (2) |
Anthropology and Sociology.
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Mathematics and Statistics.
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Agriculture and Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science.
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Of the engineering subjects, Viz. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering not more than one subject.
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Of the literatures of Hindi, English, Sanskrit and Urdu Languages not more than one subject.
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9. | (1) | Each paper will be of three hours duration. |
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| (2) | The question papers for the examination will be of conventional essay type. |
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| (3) | (a) |
Question papers other than language papers will be both in Hindi and English. Question papers of engineering subjects will be only in English.
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| | (b) |
The candidates will have the option to answer the question papers in Hindi or English except in the case of language papers.
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Question No. 1 of each paper (Consisting 20 short answer questions each one is to be answered in one or two lines) will be Compulsory. Each question will carry 3 marks, maximum portion of the syllabi will be covered under these questions.
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10. | The details of the syllabi for both compulsory and optional subjects of main examination as specified in Appendix-III